Let me tell you about the latest book.
Leadership Genomics is a groundbreaking exploration of the intricate hypothetical DNA that shapes people’s inherent leadership style. Drawing on his decades of experience including being president of the largest healthcare system in South Carolina, Taylor goes about answering the question of what makes leaders function and how certain people will do better in specific situations.
Drawing from the realms of psychology, genetics, neuroscience, and numerous studies, Leadership Genomics takes readers on a journey through the inner workings of leadership as Taylor maps a series of theories aimed at finding where leadership derives from all while unveiling the five fixed and discernable hypothetical leadership chromosomes that reside within every leader.
Through insightful analysis and real-world examples, Leadership Genomics delves into the myriad influences that shape the expression of our leadership genotype, ultimately giving rise to our distinct leadership phenotypes. With meticulous detail and engaging storytelling, the book unravels the complex interplay between these five leadership chromosomes.
Ok, that is basically what we have on the back cover to get people to read it.
What the book boils down to is that your leadership style is rooted in your genes -- or at least in your hypothetical leadership genes. The expression of our leadership genotype is profoundly influenced by environmental factors –our worldviews, beliefs, and perspectives. Everyone has leadership qualities, but those particular qualities are not necessarily the best to lead in every situation, and you really can’t change that for the long-term.
The book can be purchased here.
This book provides a unique context for gaining self-knowledge. There are numerous layers to leadership that I uncover, and hopefully this book will help transform leaders everywhere.