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Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
Integral Leaders in Health (ILH): What We Do
“ What do you guys actually do ?” This is a question that we hear often. And admittedly it is quite fair. A public benefit corporation...
Spence Taylor, M.D.
2 min read
Upstate Independent Medical Association and Integral Leaders in Health to strengthen support for patients and independent physicians in South Carolina
GREENVILLE, S. C. -- Integral Leaders in Health (ILH) and the Upstate Independent Medical Association (UIMA) have formed a strategic...
Spence Taylor, M.D.
2 min read
The new book: Leadership Genomics
Let me tell you about the latest book. Leadership Genomics is a groundbreaking exploration of the intricate hypothetical DNA that shapes...
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
The Steps to Transition from Doctor to Physician CEO (Part 2)
As we have stressed in previous posts, a missing element to balancing medical care (making patient well-being the priority) seems to be...
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
The Steps to Transition from Doctor to Physician CEO (Part 1)
As we have established previously, balancing medical care starts with having autonomous doctors. To be autonomous, doctors must think...
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
The Physician CEO: Learning to Lead
Doctors are the most logical choice to lead us, but are also the most inexperienced leaders in the entire medical care environment.
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
The Physician CEO
What does it mean to “lead a patient?” How does that differ from “treating a patient?” What are the skills necessary to do so? Let's see.
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
EMERGENCY: Restoring the Employed Doctor’s Autonomy
If loss of doctor autonomy is a cause of the Medical Care Crisis, then autonomous employment models for doctors like this one are essential.
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
Are We Getting the Most from Our Medical Vendor Relationships?
When balanced, the medical-industrial complex gives back and supports patient well-being. That isn't to say that it shouldn't make a profit.
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
Physician Autonomy, Ace Hardware and Privia Health
There is a pathway that has saved many small family-owned hardware stores that could be adapted for small physician private practices.
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
Unbalanced—The Evolving Medical Care Crisis: A Book Describing Medicine’s Blind Spot
Our newly published book analyzes the state of patient well-being in modern medicine using a variety of true cases from South Carolina.
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
How To Structure the Medical Care Environment: The GHS Tricycle
The GHS tricycle alignment led with the “big wheel,” patient care, and was propelled by the “back two wheels” of education and research.
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
How Do We Fix the Medical Care Crisis?
Our plan is called Integral Leaders in Health MEDs (Medical Excellence Driven) Designation. It aspires to achieve six chief objectives.
Spence Taylor, M.D.
4 min read
What Is Integral Leadership and How Will It Resolve the Medical Care Crisis?
The world needs integral leaders. Integral leaders align independent, even competing, organizations around a shared vision.
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